Chennai on the North Tamil Nadu coast, along with entire Sri Lanka, may receive excess rainfall during the week ending November 18 (Wednesday next), says the US Climate Prediction Centre. 

This would be a phase when a weather system (likely depression/deep depression), now in the process of evolving over the South-East Bay of Bengal, makes its tryst with these coasts. 


An experimental storm tracker featured by the agency suggests that it would not be surprised to find a brewing low-pressure area evolving here, intensifying into a minimal cyclone.  

It projects a scenario where the rain-generating system tracks initially west towards but deflects off from close to the Sri Lankan coast and enters the Central Tamil Nadu coast.

The India Met Department has already notified the South-East Bay of Bengal around the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for signs of manifestation of the preparatory 'low' by tomorrow (Saturday).  


Meanwhile, parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala continue to get rains from a low-pressure area, a remnant of an earlier deep depression, now lying over the Arabian Sea. 

These are expected to scale up in the run-up to the arrival of the new weather system, according to forecasts. 

An extended outlook from the India Met Department said heavy rain would occur at isolated places over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands from tomorrow. 

The day after would witness heavy to very heavy rain over Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. 

On the third day (Monday), heavy to very heavy rain would lash Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and coastal Andhra Pradesh.