For 76 girls at Nijoloy — a home of rescued trafficked and orphaned girls in the suburbs of Kolkata — it was a day to remember. They received gifts from Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

The Prince presented the children with copies of an illustrated storybook titled ‘Little Reds Summer Adventure' written by his former wife, Ms Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York.

“My children have sent these books which are written by their mother (Sarah). This is a something from my family to your family,” he said.

Prince Andrew, the second son of British Queen Elizabeth II, expressed sympathy with young girls who are forced into trafficking and lauded their efforts of rising above adversities and contributing to the economy on his visit to West Bengal on Thursday.

He was impressed as girls exhibited their innovative business-oriented skills of embroidery, leather products, terracotta and block printed sarees.

“I have sympathy and understanding to the enormous amount of work which you are doing including prevention of trafficking of young woman. It is highly commendable and I recognise the enormous value you are creating to the economy,” said Prince Andrew said.

Congratulating the home for its effort to help the young girls, the Duke who is on a week-long tour to India, admitted that the issues faced by the home is not common to him, but said while discussing issues he has learnt a lot.

Much to the delight of the children he also tried out his hand at block printing. “I am not that bad at it,” said the Prince after stamping a print on a saree.

Emphasising that the young women of the home have a role to play in the future of this part of the world, he said the work which they are doing is so needed.

He spent nearly an hour at the home and also enjoyed a cultural programme presented by the young girls.

A release issued by the British Council said the Duke had other engagements with civil society organisations and some business meetings. He left for Chennai later in the evening.