Suchandra and Joydip Kundu, have dedicated their lives to preserving the fragile ecosystem of the Sunderbans, home to the Royal Bengal Tiger. Armed with a DVD player and a crew of three, they travel in a boat to spread awareness about the depleting mangroves and the threat it poses to the tigers.

The story of the Kundus is just one of the case studies featured in Half Stories: The Journey of Doing Right, a campaign by Tata Capital. Digital agency, L&K Saatchi and Saatchi crafted its online campaign.

Keeping the faith It is aimed at connecting people with ordinary, day-to-day needs, to the rest of the world and giving them an opportunity to script a happy ending together. Spreading the buzz on social media and online contributions to, help them do this.

Take the case of a school in Mumbai called Koshish, where ENT surgeon Ajay Kothari trains deaf and mute kids to find their voice and express themselves. .

“The school epitomises the city’s never-say-die spirit, with teachers enabling them to speak through different methods. While they learn the art of conversing with these modules, we thought of giving them a platform to “showcase their creativity,” said an official.

Shoot to live Two students, Shahin and Chetan, were given basic training in photography to empower them to capture Mumbai in a totally different light. For three days, they were schooled in artistic aspects like lighting, composition and framing. At the end of the session, they managed to capture facets of Mumbai on camera that are unknown even to Mumbaikars.

Greater good Speaking about the campaign, Anil K Nair, CEO, and Managing Partner, Digital L&K Saatchi and Saatchi said the campaign leverages social media for change and proves that business can work for social good too.

Veetika Deoras, Head, Brand Marketing, Tata Capital said the initiative is key for the company, which aims to help “propagate the philosophy of doing right.”