A few years ago, some of the more ecologically conscious people of various industries began to champion organic ways of living, which included production of organic textile, vegetables and fruits. Free from pesticides and toxic substances in any way, the movement was all the rage. Now, the luxury of organic fabrics has been taken a step further with Ayurganic textile. So far used by very few designers and sold in even fewer stores, Ayurganic material has the benefits of both organic material and the ancient tradition of Ayurveda. How is this achieved? By a process that infuses the material with special herbs and oils which according to Ayurvedic beliefs, have intrinsic beneficial properties. Upon wearing clothes made out of this fabric, you are believed to be adding value both to yourself and to the environment you live in.

Design values

Ayurganic textile, when worn or used on the body, is said to strengthen the immune system, due to the properties of the infusions. Didier Lecoanet and Hemant Sagar, more popularly known as the design duo Lecoanet Hemant, have created wonderful pieces of fashion-forward clothing over the years. Their introduction of Ayurganic clothes or Ayurvastra was loved and welcomed by many as a step forward taken by the fashion industry towards eco-friendliness. Their Ayurganic line, from their sub-brand LH Cares is composed of comfort wear free of chemical irritants and toxins obtained by the use of Ayurvedic infusions in the organic material. They began to produce the line as they felt the “body needed to be shielded from the harmful effects of pollution with a material that can protect and even nourish the body”. They even follow the philosophy of slow fashion when it comes to production of the Ayurganic line. This new age movement pays attention to the way a garment is manufactured and the compensation given to the worker who produced the said garment. It's an attempt to create all-round eco-friendliness.

Holistic details

Being a fabric so different from others more commonly found, Ayurganic material is produced via patented processes. Most usual fabrics are treated using various chemicals to be sold as wrinkle-free, stain-resistant, shrink-resistant and more. The chemicals used in these processes, which are supposed to make the fabric more valuable could actually irritate the skin further and this is where Ayurganic fabric steps in. It is much softer due to the natural treatment process, and the dying method is different as well, producing more earthy tones than usual. LH Cares garments are usually white and this year's line is composed of lingerie and yoga wear focusing on comfort. The “Immunity Booster” series is said to enhance the body's immunity through anti-body production while the “Well being” range is said to purify the blood through the penetration of the herbs' properties through the skin. Omved, an organic store line in certain Indian cities also stocks Ayurganic fabric in the form of towels and baby care products. Their bedding material for cribs is made with spun bamboo fibres blended with organic cotton and Ayurvedic herbs, through their dyeing process. The bright yellow pieces are infused with fresh Marigold flowers known for its antiseptic properties, while another set of crib material is dyed with an infusion of Madder roots that are believed to have blood-purifying properties. They believe that Ayurganic fabric is biodegradable as well, making it an even better choice for towels and other items that are thrown away faster than everyday clothes. The Ayurganic textile used by Omved is certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard to ensure top quality organic fabric, which is then dyed. This they feel makes their towels a lot more absorbent. The drawbacks to investing in Ayurganic fabric seem almost non-existent.

Ayurganic fabric is soft and luxurious, and being beneficial healthwise makes it a strong choice for clothing and apparel. Take your eco-friendliness one step further, for both your own and the environment's well-being.
