Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields right from the stone age to the modern age is due to the progress made in the field of science and technology. They have made human life comfortable, especially areas such as business, transport, communication, agriculture and .

Information Technology (IT) has been around as long as people have been around because there were always ways of communicating through the technology available at that point of time. Computersand online communication changing things to a great extent. Modern life has become so complicated, sophisticated and competitive that people have to keep themselves informed of happenings all the time. And IT is an important field, awareness of which is a must, otherwise we will lag far behind the developed nations.

Computers are the backbone of IT. Whether it is the banking sector, post office, small- and large-scale industries, defence, space research, biotechnology, the computer is essential. Storing files was difficult because there was a danger of records being spoiled over time. But computers have helped us to secure our data and retrieve it quickly and easily.

The Internet has many useful applications in our lives. Whether we have to take admission in a foreign institution, collect geographical information of a region, check the results of an examination, transfer money from one bank account to another, send mails, chat with someone in a corner of the world or search for a life partner, the Internet is the fastest and cheapest way to go. When telephone calls were expensive, the Internet offered a cheap and comfortable option. The cell phone was another irreplaceable invention.

Banking has become easy and all transactions can be made in a short time. Bills can be paid online and train bookings can be made through the e-reservation system. The BPO sector has generated large employment opportunities and India is becoming the biggest service provider in this sector. The problems arising in IT are not inherent but caused by the users.

Hacking and cracking are mattesr of serious concern, as also security. Viruses are another danger. Whenever technological developments take place, their misuse is bound to happen simultaneously.

What is important is to take right steps at the right time to control this. India has become the first country in the world to take legal action against IT's misuse by passing the IT Act 2000, which punishes cyber criminals and hackers.

(Anusha is a student of Meenakshi Sundarajan Engineering College, Chennai.)