The women beat the men hollow. When it comes to using their smartphone for mobile chat, in the 164 minutes spent on their device every day, they spend 55 minutes on chat, as against men who spend only 32 of 167 minutes, finds Nielsen Informate Mobile Insights. Nielsen Informate tracks data from its passive metering panel over connected devices. The sample size is 8,000, a random one spread across regions, age group and gender.

Women spend 24 minutes on calls, while men spend only 18 minutes. What men use their smartphone more for is apps (31 minutes as against 23 in the case of women) and browsing (28/15), says the data.

Of all age groups, youngsters use their smartphones the most, especially the 18-24-year-olds, who are on it for 188 minutes daily.

In general, those under 30 spend over 30 minutes daily on chat. They also spend the most time on music/video players.

Users from Tier I and II towns are more involved with their devices than those in metros and mini-metros. While time spent on chat is higher amongst users in these cities, browser usage is the lowest in metros and highest in Tier II towns. The time spent on applications is much higher amongst users in smaller towns, with Tier-1 users spending nearly 39 minutes on them every day.