Many employees may not agree upfront, but office politics is a necessary evil for career growth, a survey has revealed.

More than half of workers interviewed for the survey by staffing firm Robert Half International said that involvement in office politics is at least somewhat necessary to get ahead in career.

For the survey, more than 400 office workers in the US were asked, “In your opinion, what effect, if any, does involvement in office politics have on one's career?”

Around 15 per cent of the workers said office politics was very necessary to get ahead, while 41 per cent of the respondents said that it was somewhat necessary, according to the poll.

“There is some degree of politics at play in virtually every organisation,” the media quoted Max Messmer, the CEO of Robert Half International, as saying.

“The savviest professionals practice workplace diplomacy.

They remain attuned to political undercurrents but don't allow themselves to get pulled into situations that could compromise their working relationships or reputation,” Messmer added.

However, Robert Half International has also offered some tips for navigating office politics.

“Avoid smear campaigns. Gossiping or outright mudslinging is only guaranteed to damage one person's credibility. When you're upset or frustrated, wait until after you've calmed down to express your concerns. Be direct but tactful, focusing on facts rather than feelings,” it says.

The firm adds: “Stay true to your values. It's an unfortunate truth that there are those who'll do anything to ‘win', but character and credibility count. You don't need to play underhanded games to rise through the ranks.”