Businesses are now structured in a way that almost everyone has some level of decision-making ability. Whether the decisions are big or small, they have a direct impact on how successful, efficient and effective individuals are on the job. Till now it was assumed that successful people are basically very smart and hard working. Studies have also found that there is some correlation between intelligence quotient (IQ) and success. But, on the other hand, it is also true that some people with high IQ have failed in a job, while some with average intelligence have performed exceptionally well.

New studies and research suggest that emotional intelligence, measured by emotional intelligence quotient is a better predictor of success than the traditional measures of intelligence quotient. Emotional intelligence is the foundation of sound decision-making, which is at the core of consistently high performance. It is not about being soft, emotional and nice, in fact it is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity.

Employers treat emotional quotient seriously these days and this is why there is a lot of focus on workplace happiness and congeniality. In the business environment, emotional quotient is important because it helps you leverage your awareness of emotions for effectiveness in the workplace.

People think that being emotional at work can be hazardous. Emitting emotions consistently act negatively in their work and promotions. Display of emotions is assumed as unprofessional, nobody will tolerate outpour of tears at every difficult situation in the office. Also, anger and agitation make the situation difficult at the workplace. So, the control of emotions is a must, and emotions can be balanced for a healthy work lifestyle.

Learn to be emotionally connected with work without getting too sensitive.


To be emotionally intelligent you have to analyse yourself and identify your weak and strong areas. Some people get touchy with certain matters or people at work, avoid doing so. Accept every task professionally and work at it as it should be done. Do not modify it by being emotional for others. If you understand your weaknesses well, you will always be successful in rectifying issues at work.

Being overemotional for certain tasks sometimes leads to an unrealistic plan to accomplish it. Don’t get too excited to accomplish any task. It is always essential to be a realistic planner. As soon as you get the task, be calm and plan for it. Over-excitement and aggression are always harmful at workplace.

To work with limitations is one of the most important aspects of emotional intelligence. Everyone cannot be an expert in all the areas and all the employers understands this. So, do not try to take up any task, which is not possible to accomplish. It is always better to leave the things that you cannot do, rather taking them on it and showing your imperfection.

Emotions are involved in every human interaction and are powerful factors when individuals, teams, managers and organisations as whole work together. Employees’ emotional quotient has everything to do with the quality of decisions they make and the results a business achieves. With knowledge, training and experiential learning, people can learn to manage their emotions instead of being run by them. Bringing a balance in your emotions will be a long process. Do not expect any miracles immediately. Therefore, do not get impatient and quit midway. Make yourself feel as secure as possible to begin with.

(The author is Vice-President, Global Talent Management, at Bristlecone, a Mahindra Group Company.)