Big Data – Every IT event, seminar and conference had Big Data as the buzzword. With the amount of data generated by various systems reaching huge proportions, everyone is looking into how best to store this data and analyse it to create more efficiencies. From Silicon Valley to Davos to New Delhi, Big Data is being talked about as the next big thing in IT.

Device Size- When it comes to smartphones and tablets, device makers are still grappling with the perfect size. While Apple moved from a 3.5 inch screen to a 4 inch screen for its iPhone5, it launched a smaller version of its iPad tablet – Mini. Samsung on the other hand increased stretched the screen size of Galaxy Note 2 to 5.5 inches.

Patent battles- The year saw a number of legal battles fought between rival device makers on patent related issues. The biggest one was the Apple versus Sasmung battle which initially was won by Apple but Samsung managed to steer clear of any possible ban.

Ultrabooks – Ultrabooks were promoted by Intel and traditional PC makers such as Lenovo, HP and Dell as the best thing to happen in the computing space. However, even as the PC market shrunk, ultrabooks failed to take off in a big way probably due to its high pricing.

Smartphone Addiction- Mobile users are increasingly getting addicted to their phones. A surevy done by Cisco found out that in India, 70 percent of respondents compulsively check their smartphones for updates. Of those, 42 percent said they would feel anxious if they couldn't’t check their smartphones and 71 percent wish they didn’t feel so compelled, but they like to stay connected.

Moving Online- Internet users in India have now started using the web for their personal needs – shopping, booking tickets and making informed decisions for their offline purchases. “Google’s 2012 Zeitgeist revealed that as more institutions moved their services online for greater convenience, searches for them ticked upward accordingly. For instance, banks emerged one of the most popular categories, with net banking being the most frequently searched query within the category.