Comic literature in India is largely meant for children, with a vast section in the domain having been left unexplored, but the industry can flourish if the age barrier is removed, popular French cartoonist Julien Berjeaut said.

Berjeaut, during a discussion on Saturday at a heritage bookstore here, noted that almost every family in his country has a collection of comic books, irrespective of its social status.

"People of all age groups in France enjoy reading comics. In India, what I notice is that this particular form of literature is mainly available for children. This industry has an enormous potential to grow in India with proper promotional strategies, given the age barrier is removed," said Berjeaut, an editorial cartoonist for several major French newspapers.

The artist, better known as Jul in his country, maintained that people in France and India have a lot in common. "People here are very responsive to topical issues, much like in France. Comics, if it touches the right chord, will evoke similar responses in both the countries," he stated.

‘Use tech to develop comic books’

The celebrated cartoonist, who conceived best-selling graphic-novel series 'Silex and the City' and '50 Shades of Greeks', also stressed on the need to use technology to create and develop comic books, as that has opened up prospects for creative exploration.

"This form of literature should be appreciated for its creativity, besides the message that it conveys in spaces like the editorial columns of newspapers. There is a vast territory that can still be explored," he added.

The bookstore had hosted the freewheeling discussion on comic literature and graphic illustrations, in association with the Embassy of France, The French Institute in India and the Alliance Française du Bengale.