A new study carried on 100 Covid-19 positive people showed that patients who recuperate from the infection maintain a form of immunity against the virus for at least six months after infection, as per media reports.

For the study, the researchers enrolled more than 2,000 people working for Public Health England and asked them to donate blood every month. Of them, a total of 100 tested positive for the virus but none of them was hospitalised.

More than half (56 per cent) had symptoms, MSN reported.

Of the 100 Covid-19 positive people, 77 were women and the average age was 41. None of the infected participants were older than 65.

Role of T Cells

The study stressed the role of T cells, cells that induce immunity response, which are pivotal in fighting the Covid-19 infection.

The researchers noted that all 100 people involved in the study had detectable T cells after six months. However, the level of antibodies in some participants had dropped below detectable levels.

The researchers stated in their findings that people who have already had the virus are less likely to get reinfected if they come into contact with the virus again.

The researchers behind the study call their findings encouraging and are ‘cautiously optimistic’ there is long-lasting and robust immunity following coronavirus infection.

Earlier studies have also suggested that immunity against the virus may last up to five to six months, especially for people who have borne the severe outcomes of the infection.