Do you know that 75 per cent of unexpected headaches and back aches are due to dental problems?

Patients often go to a neurologist for such problems, but they need to rule out the cause for the pain first by visiting a dentist, says K Mahendranadh Reddy, organising chairman of the 43rd Indian Prosthodontic Society Conference.

The solution for such pains is placing a small piece of plastic between the teeth. The remedy is as simple as that and doesn't need an MRI or costly diagnostics to identify the problem, he told newspersons today.

Often, the root of the problems for migraines, lingering headaches, backaches is in the tooth, Mahendranadh explained.

The Indian Prosthodontic Society Chapters of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are jointly hosting the three day conference to be inaugurated by M Venkaiah Naidu, Union Minister for Urban Development at the HICC on Friday.

The society

A Prosthodontic specialises in cosmetic restoration and replacement of teeth associated with clinical conditions like missing teeth, deficient teeth compromised maxillo-facial tissues.

The specialty works towards restoration of optimum appearance of a person and function of the teeth.

Taxation The Society aims to ask the Government to not tax the import of raw materials needed for such dental treatment as it escalates the costs.

There is an alarming rise in oral cancers in the country due to high prevalence of tobacco usage, pan chewing and smoking. To sensitise the public on oral cancers the Society is hosting a Health awareness run on Saturday.