A chunk of limestone stucco of one of the four minarets of the historic Charminar in the Old City of Hyderabad has chipped off causing concerns about the safety of the 428-year-old majestic heritage structure.

Experts had worked on the Charminar and strengthened its structure externally and external facade. The peeling of lime plasters has now triggered concerns. Built in the year 1591 by Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah of the Qutb Shahi dynasty, Charminar is pride of Hyderabad.

The lime stucco work of one of its four 56-metre-tall minarets that chipped off and fell down and has been cordoned off. N Taher, Former Director of Archaeological Survey of India and a heritage champion, told Business Line, “All monuments have a life span. Like human beings ageing is a natural process. Their life span depends on the vagaries of nature as well.”

“Charminar is more than 400 years old and it has withstood the test of time. The superficial structure has now peeled off. I am sure it will be strong for 400 years more provided we protect and take care of it,” he explained. Many times due to rains and temperature variations, small thermal fractures happen. These are not visible. However, few years later they may surface and also cause some damage, he explained.

Charminar is a busy hub of activity for not just locals, trading community but regular flow of tourist movement who throng the place to have a glimpse of the monument. The monument has Mecca Masjid, Laad Bazaar and a number of shopping outlets in the vicinity. “Charminar belongs to everyone and each one of us has to ensure its safety,” he said.