On this day, in 1918, the Indian soldiers from the Mysore, Hyderabad and Jodhpur Lancers liberated the strategically important city of Haifa, known for its deep water bay in the eastern Mediterranean.

A commemorative stamp for the Battle of Haifa and First Day Cover were released by Israel Post on February 6, 2018. The stamp and the cover were presented to Pavan Kapoor, Ambassador of India to Israel, and Yona Yahav, Mayor of the city of Haifa, during a special ceremony that took place on September 6 in Haifa.

The stamp, designed by Ronen Goldberg, shows a parade of the Indian cavalry in the street of Haifa, shortly after the battle was won, based on a photograph from the Imperial War Museum.

Speaking on the occasion, Maya Kadosh, Chargé d’ Affaires of the Embassy of Israel, said that “The sacrifice made by the Indian soldiers is honoured and memorialised in seven cemeteries across Israel, from Jerusalem to Haifa. Close to 900 Indian soldiers are buried in these cemeteries, which acts as an immortal testimonial for their heroism.”

“The story of the three regiment’s bravery is a part of every school curriculum in Haifa. They This shared memory bonds our two nations together,” said Maya Kadosh.

In January, 2018, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu together with his host, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, had visited the Teen Murti Haifa Chowk in New Delhi and paid his respects to the valiant soldiers remembered here.

Similarly, last year, Prime Minister Modi had visited Haifa together with his host PM Netanyahu explicitly to pay respects at the burial site of the very same soldiers. This was one of the highlights of the visits, signifying the deep bond and the shared history between our people.