The gender pay gap in the IT industry is as high as 29 per cent, notes a report by online career and recruitment solutions provider Monster India.

Releasing the ‘Monster Salary Index India IT Sector Report 2014’ at the Nasscom HR Summit in Chennai today, the findings of the study revealed that a male IT worker received a gross salary of Rs 359.25 an hour while a female worker received Rs 254.04 an hour.

This disparity possibly emerges from the fact that men get promoted to a supervisory position more often than women, the report noted.

Monster Salary Index (MSI) is an initiative by Monster India in collaboration with (managed by WageIndicator Foundation) and IIM-A as research partner.

Sharing his perspective on the findings, Sanjay Modi, Managing Director, (India/Middle East/ South-East Asia and Hong Kong), said the revelation is startling in an industry that employs 30 per cent women. It is surprising to see that the most modern sector in India is not only predisposed to a certain gender but is also paying lesser to women employees than their male counterparts.

He further noted that the marital status in India could be cited as a reason for lack of opportunities and growth avenues for a gender.

The report also states that the tenure of an employee with an organisation sways the salary, with a more experienced worker being paid better than the less experienced ones. Women have become active in the IT sector only recently and are, therefore, likely to find it harder to accumulate tenure due to family obligations. With more career breaks in a woman's job history, their negotiating capacity in the labour market drops.

R Chandrasekhar, President, Nasscom, said the findings would enable Nasscom draw insights on growth opportunities and salary parameters. There is a strong need to create equal opportunities for all, particularly women, who are key contributors to industry.

Yet another interesting insight is that women employed for a limited time get paid better than those with permanent contracts and size and ownership–influencing factors.

In India, about 65 per cent of the workforce in the IT sector work in large to mid-sized companies with more than 5,000 employees.