Pilgrims to Tirupati will now be able to plan better, visit shrines easily and save time and effort thanks to NavTTD App launched by Srisys, a US-based software firm.

The App provides detailed information with maps and navigation routes to various points of interest in the temple town. Users can also access the events calender of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD).

NavTTD is built on Pigeon, an indoor positioning and indoor navigation (IPIN) platform that harnesses geo-location technology for both public and private spaces. It is an initiative of Srisys to aid the overall experience of pilgrims to the shrine of Lord Venkateswara.

With nearly 12 crore visitors annually, Tirumala is the top destination for pilgrims from across the country and abroad. On most days, the average time for darshan is 4-6 hours and on important dates, it can reach up to 24 hours.

Once onto the App, pilgrims can locate the Srivari temple, accommodation, restaurants, anna prasadam centres, bus stops, banks and other services offered by the TTD. Similarly, the exact location of pharmacies and emergency help centres can be spotted and stored for ready use, M Krishna Kiran, Srisys’ Head of Global Sales, said.

This App will help plan their route better and schedule their time according to their convenience and availability of darshan.

The platform has features such as way finding, asset tracking, user analytics that help organisations transform user experience and improve the overall productivity and efficiency. It has been deployed with several clients and at airports, railway stations, museums, warehouses, shopping malls, and so on, he said.