Indians are grappling with multiple forms of mental health issues that have risen exponentially post coronavirus outbreak, according to Lybrate, a health and wellness platform.

The platform has recorded over 110 per cent rise in online patient consults around mental health conditions. It also witnessed a 150 per cent jump in online consultations by females for issues related to mental health, while that for males stood at 85 per cent.

The highest jump of 125 per cent was recorded from Mumbai, followed by Delhi at 109 per cent, Pune (116 per cent), Ahmedabad (97 per cent), Chennai (86 per cent), Bangalore (94 per cent and Kolkata (74 per cent).

Among the tier-II cities, the biggest jump in online consultations concerning mental health was reported from Indore (97 per cent), Lucknow (93 per cent), Kochi (87 per cent), Patna (85 per cent), Bhopal (57 per cent) and Bhubaneshwar (43 per cent).

Overall within the age brackets, the jump in patient consults was the highest in the age group of 25-45 years. People from 45-60 age bracket were next who asked majority of queries on the platform regarding mental health.

“Mental health became a point of concern for a majority of Indians after Covid-19. We noticed on our platform that even specialists who did not deal with the subject were being consulted about mental health issues,” said Saurabh Arora, Founder and CEO of Lybrate.

The queries mainly revolved around stress, isolation, claustrophobia, being unproductive, anger, irritation, loneliness, mood swings, not being able to cope with family members around, rifts between spouses, coping mechanisms, uncertainty and helplessness. Of late, there has been a substantial rise in queries from working people around job losses and related stress, fear and worry on resuming offices at a time when COVID-19 cases are rising in the country.

In the age group of 18-25 years, the percentage rise was 80 per cent for online consultations done by males around mental health, while the same stood at 135 per cent for females. Similarly, in the age group of 25-45 years, it was 95 per cent for males and 160 per cent for females. In the 45-60 year age bracket, it was 90 per cent for males and 140 per cent for females.