On this day in 1968, Johnny Cash performed live at Folsom State Prison, one of his best known albums. This quiz is all about prisons and other penal institutions.

1.      Which former fortress was converted into a state prison and was stormed by a crowd on 14th July 1789, becoming a symbol for the French Republican movement?

2.      Which famous prison in the Southern Hemisphere is an island 7 km long and gets its name from the Dutch word for seals?

3.      TJ’s, started in 1995, makes a range of products like spices, furniture, detergents and even garments. TJ’s is the brand name of which organisation?

4.      Which famous prison, which held the likes of Al Capone, is located on an island in San Francisco bay and has featured in a variety of films?

5.      Which controversial detention camp was established by George Bush next to a Naval Base in 2002 falls under the sovereignty of another country but is run by the United States?

6.      This is the largest prison in Maharashtra, and one of the largest prisons in South Asia, housing over 5,000 prisoners. It has housed many well-known nationalists including Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Name it.

7.      Which novella and film tells the story of Andy Dufresne’s incarceration and subsequent escape from a prison in Maine in 1947?

8.      Which British landmark, partially built by William the Conqueror and used as a prison for much of its existence has also served as the royal mint and housed the British Crown Jewels?

9.      The Chateau d’If located off the coast of Marseilles was a famous prison till the end of the 19th century. Which famous work of fiction is based on a prisoner on the island?

10.  TheTuol Sleng, now a museum, was a notorious prison and execution centre used by the Santebal, the then secret police of the country. In which nation would you come across the Tuol Sleng?


1.      The Bastille

2.      Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 18 of his 27 years in prison

3.      Tihar Jail. All the goods are made by prisoners and undertrials

4.      Alcatraz, films include The Birdman of Alcatraz, and The Rock

5.      The Guantanamo Bay detention camp, also known as Gitmo

6.      Yerwada Central Jail in Pune

7.      The Shawshank Redemption, based on Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

8.      The Tower of London, guarded by the Yeoman Warders

9.      The Count of Monte Cristo

10.  Cambodia, Phnom Penh the prison was used by the Khmer Rouge regime who caused the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people, around 25 per cent of Cambodia’s population at the time