After lunch, I have a powerful urge to sleep. I’m on a balanced diet under the guidance of a dietician.

— Anandi L.

You can do some simple things to remain awake.

When the food is being digested, the blood rushes to the stomach. This can make you feel cold if your environment is air-conditioned, and make you want to nod off. Keep warm by donning a long-sleeved jacket.

Have a cup of hot coffee to give you internal warmth, and to pep you up.

Get up and walk around. Rub your hands together briskly. Do 10 neck stretches — up and down; and side to side — to increase the blood-circulation to the brain. Do 20 vigorous windmill arm movements.

Wash your face and neck with cool water to freshen up. Brush your teeth or chew gum — the fresh minty taste helps to keep you alert. Chewing gum also improves blood flow to the brain.

Keep affirming “I’m wide awake and alert” to power your brain.

Schedule something interesting for that vital half-hour. Look at beautiful pictures, or read something lively and inspirational. Having something fascinating to do compels you to remain awake and fires you up to get back to work!

To control my blood pressure, I’ve been advised to cut salt and have more potassium. Which foods contain potassium?

— Rohan T.

Bananas are a great source of potassium. So are papayas, dates, tender coconut water, carrots, potatoes and fish. You need to maintain a healthy sodium-to-potassium ratio in your diet. A low-salt diet means you should restrict your intake to 2 grams of sodium, which is 5 grams of table salt. Alongside, you need about 6 grams of edible potassium. Please check with a nutritionist for what suits your body.

Simultaneously, decide not to take things too seriously. You don’t have to be annoyed to demand efficiency. Stress also comes from anxiety and impatience. Tone them down with the attitude: “Things don’t always have to go my way.”

What is anti-stress breathing? Will it help me to stop feeling inadequate around a senior colleague who is self-assured and smart?

— Najma F.

Anti-stress breathing is inhaling deeply to a count of 8 with your stomach rising and exhaling through your mouth to a count of 16 with your stomach falling. Breathe this way several times until you feel tranquil.

As for your senior colleague, you can admire her without feeling inadequate. How? By loving yourself. You have your own life, heart, ideas, will, and beauty. Think of a dear friend, an innocent infant, or a deeply loved one — and let tender love rise and fill your heart to overflowing. Offer this love to yourself, your senior colleague, to everybody. When you respect yourself, you’ll respect others in a beautiful, selfless way without a shred of inadequacy.

Practise this exercise - embrace yourself as you would a loved one. Your loving touch releases healing hormones like oxytocin that make you feel special, and floods you with a sense of well-being.

(The writer is co-author of the book Fitness for Life. Queries may be sent to )