What gadgets do you use?

It would usually be Penta T-pad WS802C for reading, gaming, video conferencing, staying in touch via social media; two handhelds- iPhone 5 and BlackBerry 9900; and Mac Airbook. A judicious mix of all kinds of besties, Android, iOS and BlackBerry!

Which is the latest gadget you picked up?

The latest gadget would be the very sleek 9.7-inch tablet we plan to launch in the market. Where other Tablet PCs in the market are doing well, this quad core 1.6 GHz and sturdier 2GB RAM Penta T-Pad sprints! With its buttery Jelly Bean OS and multi-window feature, life has been interesting like never before.

Which brands do you like and why?

I like Apple because of their innovativeness.

What is your dream machine?

My dream machine is a technology gadget which knows it all. These days we carry a laptop, phone, tablet, et al; I wish to come up with a handy gadget which is an answer to all of them. And, at the same time, I aspire to make the gadget affordable!

What do you not like about technology?

Though technology has brought us closer but it has made us lazy as well. I am so well connected to my loved ones through Skype that it has lessened my personal visits to them and vice versa.

Which apps are you addicted to?

My daily dose of apps includes Flipboard, Engadget, LinkedIn and Facebook. And in case I do get time, than it would be YouTube or may be Temple Run.

One anecdote relating to tech

This happened in one of my interactions at a conference about a year ago. I met a person, who did not have very high regard for Tablet PC as a technology. We were discussing about technology in general or rather he was pushing on how Tablet PC would be one of the technical disasters of 2012. He was trying to explain to me, how space is one of the major constraints of tablets, and in my reply I was trying to explain to him, how we could handle it through Cloud Computing. To which he answered, “I thought it’s just moon, didn’t know companies are buying clouds, and keeping stock of their hard disks there.”

What's the biggest tech disaster according to you?

Biggest tech disaster I have personally seen is a technically well-equipped person asking for directions on road with a smartphone in hand.

One instance where technology solved your problem.

I am sure with such vast inclusiveness in our lives, technology would have been a saviour not just once but many times for one and all. Once such instance is through Skype, I can connect to all my global alliance associates be it in New Zealand, Mauritius, France or Hong Kong anywhere, anytime.