The onset of summer might spell simmering weather, but is always associated with everything fun. For most of us, our happiest memories as children are associated with summer hols. The ‘nimbu paani', tree houses, mango milkshakes, unlimited afternoon games with friends… This summer, let's go back to those days of absolute freedom by bringing back the true summer spirit. Here are six ways to stay stylishly cool and quirkily colourful this season.

Foliage frolic

Summer is all about moisture and hydration. Nothing freshens up a home more than flowers and plants. Fill foliage into any unusual container and bring them into shelter on balconies and indoors. Rajnigandha or yellow roses for simplistic style; or an over-the-top arrangement with trailing pink bougainvillea flowers. You can also bring in some greens, like large banana leaves placed in giant glass bottles or jars, aloe vera and also hang money plants upside down for a different touch.

Treat the kids

During summer vacation, you can be sure that your children's friends will be hanging out at your home. A clever way to keep them out of the heat is to make their room a real summer retreat. Push the beds against the wall, and turn them into ‘loungey' divans. Throw around lots of floor cushions with low tables.

Indulge in art

When the heat sizzles and lethargy sets in, it is also uplifting if we shed off all that is unnecessary. Strip things bare and sort out the clutter. It's a great time to give in to every artistic pleasure or indulgence you wanted to pursue. Chase those art classes or pottery making sessions. Unusual objects give inspiration and you can create some lovely craft pieces to do up your homes.

Welcoming guests

One is always short of storage in modern apartments. But guests during summer vacations are no surprise. It's ideal to keep everything in place in your guest room, like creating a welcome space for them… a mini-home away from home. Use pretty cupboards and stock them with bed and bath linen, candles and teatime paraphernalia. Add a bedside table lamp, especially if your guest is fond of reading.

Food for thought

Then of course, is the challenge of making food appetising in the sweltering heat. Tasteful and cheery cutlery makes a world of difference. Many people create snack-like meals for summer dinners, presenting food gorgeously to shake off the languor. Pick and mix food from all parts of India and take a lesson from other tropical lands. Make a Burmese khow suey, Asian-style bite-size meals or Spanish tapas. They are appetising and palatable in their small portions served on appealing colour-pop ceramics.