Which is the latest gadget you picked up?

I recently picked up an iPad Mini, as well as a convergence device that allows me to connect wirelessly to any device, any screen and play any format available today.

What is your dream machine?

Lamborghini and Ferrari Spider are my dream machines; high-powered vehicles present a real adrenaline rush for me.

What do you not like about technology?

Technology should be simple; it should be as easy as the utilities that we use in everyday life and take for granted. Today technology is complex, with concerns around security, too many cumbersome usernames and passwords. While it has benefits – the baggage that it comes with is something that I think we need to address.

Which apps are you addicted to?

The Kindle, iBooks, media player are favourite apps.

One anecdote relating to technology?

In India, the traditional and the modern go hand-in-hand. It’s paradoxical to see traditional ceremonies involving breaking of a coconut and doing a puja to inaugurate cutting edge information technology.

What’s the biggest tech disaster according to you?

Failure of core/critical infrastructure will be a huge disaster. Today critical infrastructure is so dependent on technology that failures beyond a point of recovery can put the economy and development back by decades. For instance, fields such as healthcare and power are critical to the nation and in the event of a failure, recovering the entire system will be a challenge.

One instance where technology solved your problem.

Right from security at home to check who is coming in and going out to the latest life-saving features in my car that can anticipate accidents, technology has had a huge positive impact on my life.

If you take a larger perspective, technology solves problems for us every day. When you look at Hurricane Sandy, complex weather forecasting technology reduced its impact on lives.