Truck drivers laze on charpoys, devouring lip-smacking fare with their fingers. Villagers stop en route for some masala chai and fresh, juicy jalebis. A group of teenage boys hang around as dusk softly approaches. This set-up celebrates small town India, the essence of our country, where the urgency of ticking clocks doesn't exist. “This is a great way to put up an informal entertainment zone, bringing a dash of rustic charm into your fast-paced metropolitan home,” remarks the stylist. Resembling a dhaba, you have a khaat/charpoy for furniture and a bucket that doubles up as a loose seating option. Here the dining table is replaced by the distressed-finish haath gaadi replete with golas and nariyal paani that transport you to vivacious melas. But, why let the creative improvisations stop here? Go ahead and bring the abounding colour, sweet irony and quirky reality of this country to your space. Testimony to this are the cushions that draw inspiration from pulsating streets and jazzy pop art graphics on the back of trucks and auto-rickshaws; the striking flora and fauna prints that turn an everyday cart and trunk into a piece of art; bizarre store signage that sometimes strikes a humorous note, etc.