The Messi art of branding

Vinay Kanchan Updated - January 31, 2013 at 09:11 PM.

And the winner is Lionel Messi,” declared the announcer. These words have rung stridently through the auditorium over the last three years as well. As the diminutive Argentine scaled the steps to mount the stage to accept his fourth World Player of the Year trophy, he was unequivocally tracing the path to footballing greatness. But perhaps there were other interesting cerebral pathways that were also being nudged open by his twinkle-toed adventures.

Today Messi stands apart as a unique entity in football. But his journey to this exalted position also illuminates many fascinating parallel aspects for other brands in the marketplace striving for their own moments of greatness.

Keeping things absolutely left-footed

Messi almost always has an exclusively left-sided perspective when it comes to solving problems on the pitch. That is because his left foot is a pure piece of sporting art. His right foot sometimes appears to be there, just for the mandatory reasons. Ordinarily this might seem to be the case of a player whose weaknesses are glaringly evident to the opposition. But try telling that to any defender who has just seen the ball, with Messi adroitly stewarding it, effortlessly pass him by.

Many times brands try to cover all their bases. But the very essence of strategy is sacrifice. Sometimes in their obsession to address their areas of weakness, brands forget that their strengths make for more pointed and incisive interactions. And in a situation where many end up trying to be too many things to everybody, it is always more prudent to end up being something to somebody.

In a market where many of the big companies have spread themselves thin over the spectrum in terms of financial offerings, it is interesting to savour the single-minded association of Franklin Templeton with mutual funds. Like in the case of Messi, its approach of completely favouring one ‘leg’ is unlikely to be seen as anything but potent.

Donning the jersey and the mantle

Messi, right from his early years, took on the seemingly impossible challenge of wearing two very high-profile shirts: the number ‘10’ jerseys of Barcelona and Argentina. In one case he was succeeding a superstar (Ronaldinho) and in the other he was following in the footsteps of a God (Maradona). And yet he has succeeded in carving out his very special niche. He never sought to entirely emulate either of his illustrious predecessors, being less of a playmaker and more of a goal scorer, in comparison with them. This difference has helped him forge his own riveting story.

This ‘assumption of mantle’ plays out in two interestingly different ways in the corporate world. First it might be apparent in the succession of a high-profile leader. For example, Cyrus Mistry taking over from Ratan Tata at the Tata group. Second, this concept is also manifested when a new brand assumes the flagship brand status. The onus on the new entrant is immense. In either case, it is only when the newcomer resists the lure of cloning the predecessor’s behaviour that true progress is imminent.

Seeking the right league and team

The decision to go to Spain and play with Barcelona was an epochal one in the Messi saga. This helped him perform in a league where the ball largely stayed on the ground, thus bringing all his assets sharply into focus. It also gave him access to La Masia, Barcelona’s magnificent football training academy. Playing in the Barcelona team set him up in pole position to exploit passes from the two most gifted midfielders of his generation, Xavi and Iniesta. Perhaps Messi’s star might not have shone as brightly had chance taken him elsewhere. Around every mega brand, there is always a highly conducive ecosystem. Many times it gets overlooked, but to the discerning brand manager, it is imperative that she consciously nurture such an environment.

Business observers often view the innovative nature of Silicon Valley start-ups in perfect isolation. However, a plethora of environmental factors have also been working tirelessly in the background. Be it the ready presence and support of venture capitalists or the easy availability of a talent pool through proximity to world-class educational institutions. Even the historically established, entrepreneurial cultural cues of California add wind to the wings of every new company starting out. Simply by setting up shop there, one participates in a whole different league.

Chalking up the numbers

As cricket commentators are so fond of saying, ‘Eventually numbers don’t lie.’ And this is where the Messi claim to be regarded as a legend really gathers support. Messi has already won more World Player of the Year titles than anybody else. Last year he beat the near impossible mark set by Gerd Muller for the maximum number of goals in a year. He is also Barcelona’s all-time leading scorer. In fact, every season, Messi seems to be indulging in the outrageous feat of bettering his own records.

Eventually there is something very comforting about numbers. Human beings are strongly biased by majorities, ceaselessly seek the assurance that other people also value what we are participating in. This aspect has always been leveraged by brands to assume stature and credentials. Parle-G is the world’s largest selling biscuit. Lifebuoy is the equivalent in the soap category. Citibank proudly speaks about its 200-year history. Numbers offer tangible means of support in an ever confusing, rapidly changing world. And in a generation growing up on grade point averages and cholesterol scores, setting quantifiable benchmarks to monitor the progress of a brand is not just second nature, it also ensures that the brand game in progressing on track.

There is a lot more to the exploits of Lionel Messi than is captured in the super-slow motion replays. But the practice of looking beyond the obvious and forging connections with the brand problems at hand takes some dexterity and discipline. And if one becomes adept at that, there might just be many more reasons to celebrate every Messi goal.

Vinay Kanchan is a creative thinking trainer and an independent brand consultant.

Published on January 31, 2013 15:13