SWITCH ON. There’s power in garbage

Updated - January 24, 2018 at 05:48 AM.

Name of the start-up: Waste2Watts India Pvt Ltd

Set up in: 2012, incorporated on June 25, 2013

Based in: Bengaluru

Founder: Ramesh Srinivasan; Co founders Jyothi Ramesh and Dr Gayatri Hela; Scientists Sathya Kumar Eldi and Kavitha Rangaraj; Engineers Amarta Datta Gupta and Lakshmi Ishwar

Funding received: None as yet, though there is considerable VC interest

What it does: a) Waste management solutions through the biomethanation process to substitute LPG or electricity; b) Converting plastic to fuel. The process can replace human dependency on fossilised fuels; c) Lake water restoration; and d) Research in developing plant specific manures

How it does it: Uses natural processes (no chemicals) to convert waste to energy so that there is no harm to the environment

Big moment: Yet to come. When the newly designed product Anaerobic Digester, where energy expert Sanjay Nandre is also involved, gets successfully implemented.

Impact: Implemented on a large scale, it can preserve fossilised fuels. Gas can replace LPG for cooking, vehicles or electricity; fuel from plastic can be used for vehicles; excess water from sewage treatment plants can be integrated with human waste, recycled and let into lakes to restore them.

Vision: The biomethanation process is odour free, insect free, with return on investments in two years. Nature can be returned to nature using the 4‘R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replenish.

preeti mehra

Published on July 21, 2015 18:09