Elon Musk’s reverse decision of joining Twitter’s board signaled chaos for some Twitter employees.

Parag Agrawal, Twitter CEO, warned of ‘distractions ahead.’

Twitter staffers worried if Musk was going to keep tweeting his critiques of Twitter to more than 80 million followers on the site

According to a Bloomberg report, the employees were scheduled to have Monday off. But Elon Musk made it hard not to think about work. It further reported that employees said the vibe was “super stressed,” working together to help each other get through the week.

Rumman Chowdhury, a director on Twitter’s AI research team, appears less excited about Musk joining Twitter’s board.

“I have kept quiet since the announcement because I wanted to give Twitter leadership a chance to do right by its employees, and they did,” Chowdhury said in a series of tweets resharing Parag Agrawal’s post on Musk’s reverse decision.

“This is going to sound funny, but Musk’s immediate chilling effect was something that bothered me significantly,” Chowdhury added.

Meanwhile, Musk’s fans on Twitter have chimed in to be critical of the product, a Bloomberg report said.

“Twitter has a beautiful culture of hilarious constructive criticism, and I saw that go silent because of his minions attacking employees,” Chowdhury said.

Chowdhury added, “Do not feed the trolls. People like him thrive on attention, including negative attention.”