The importance of marketing in agriculture is being realised increasingly for the past few years. The development of agriculture all these years has remained supply driven. The producer has remained de-linked from the markets, emerging demand pattern and more so from changing consumer preferences.

It has been observed that in the post-reform period the farming community has been facing several problems, which collectively result in growing distress originating from lower profitability.

Hence, the proposed summit is expected to address and guide farmers regarding quality production, value addition, export potentials and under GAP and organic certification , for their crops and the potential markets for exports and to establish backward linkage with farming organisations.

The farmers and other stakeholders would get research-based deliverables in production, value addition and also in developing trading contracts with commodity exchange.

Following are the possible benefits accruing to farming community and other stakeholders besides development of the State of Karnataka.

Tech transfers

Rising concerns over the food security and nutritional security has emphasised need of public-private partnerships and commercialisation of agriculture in production and processing sectors. It is our experience in Sufal Mango Growers Association at Hubli wherein a simple intervention in the technology from University of Agriculture, Dharwad, helped us increase the yield of mangoes from 1 tonne to 2.5 tonnes per acre.

New avenues in value-addition

When we think of exports, the commodities must be processed in aseptic conditions and processed properly using standardised methods, besides grading and packing. The absence of these activities deprives the potential exports from Karnataka.

employment opportunities

The agri-business summit is expected to bring in private investments which would create employment opportunities both for skilled as well as unskilled work force. Capability building and competency development of the local rural population will be done through creation of knowledge hubs and training centres.

More investment options

Karnataka being a diversified State in terms of soil and other climatic features is capable of producing cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, flowers including animal and fisheries products. The domestic companies may join hands with foreign players to broaden their investment base which otherwise starved of capital for adoption of modern technology and expansion activities.

Land grabbing

This is a misconception that there is involvement of foreigners in owning of land for agriculture. Unlike industrial projects, agro-industries do not require a large area. The Government can allot barren land or the farmers themselves may come forward to part their land based on mutual consensus and the government is not going to compel any farmer to sell his land for such activity. For instance, the Sufal Mango Growers Association, in collaboration with other organisations, is establishing a pack house at Hubli just in 5 acres of land and no farmers land is being taken for this activity. In turn, this will benefit a large number of horticulture growers in this area.

Protecting farmers' interest

The summit promotes judicious blending of technologies, market linkages, large-scale investments in agri infrastructure, pre and post harvest infrastructure and value addition opportunities. It is conducted for the benefit of the State and to fully protect the interest of the farmers. This shall support farmers to supply 84 lakh tonnes of fresh products per year with proper grading and giving them the right price.

Improving the standard of living of farmers

To quote a practical example, the Sufal Mango Growers pool their mango and market it to a processing unit in Maharashtra for Rs 36,000 a tonne against a local price of Rs 25,000 a tonne. This implies the extent of income forgone by the unorganised farmers growing mangoes in the absence of such processing facilities in the State.

(The author is the President of Sufal Mango Growers Association, Hubli)