A joint letter written by Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin was sold for €210,600 ($236,000) at an auction in Paris on Tuesday.

The letter where the men described their art was sold by Aristophil Collections at the Drouot auction rooms in Paris.

“A letter from the hand of two immense painters, Vincent #VanGogh & Paul #Gauguin, addressed to Emile Bernard soon at auction! The text of the two artists expresses their certainty that their painting will revolutionize the art of future generations. And how right they were (translated from French),” Druot had tweeted from their official account with pictures of the letter.

The letter was addressed to their Emile Bernard who was also a painter. It as dated November 1/2, 1888, less than two years before Van Gogh passed away at the age of 37.

"This document reflects the immense lucidity of these artists in terms of the change taking place around them: they are fully aware that their art marks a turning point and that only future generations will understand it," Drouot said in an official statement.

The two men in the letter describe their love for art and their time spent together working.

It was sent from Arles, a city in the south of France, where Van Gogh was living at the time. Gauguin had arrived in the city and the two men had spent several months painting together. The letter also describes their visit to brothels during these months for work.

"We made some excursions to the brothels and it is probable that we will often end up going to work there," it reads.

The letter emphasized that their work was becoming what Van Gogh called "an immense renaissance."