A Van Gogh painting was stolen on Monday from a Dutch Museum that was closed amid the coronavirus pandemic in the country according to media reports.

The thieves stole a painting by the legendary artist in a heist from a museum in the Netherlands. The theft happened on March 30, the 167th birth anniversary of the troubled artist.

The 1884 painting, called the "Parsonage Garden at Neunen in Spring", was nabbed during a pre-dawn break on Monday from the Singer Laren Museum near Amsterdam, the report said.

The stolen painting is valued at up to six million euros, the report said.

"Parsonage Garden at Neunen in Spring" is from an early period of Van Gogh’s career and was a loan from the Groninger Museum in the north of the Netherlands, the painting’s owners as part of the Singer Laren Museum’s exhibition.

Van Gogh was also famous for his painting called the “Starry Night”.

The Singer Laren museum had closed its doors two weeks ago following an order by the Dutch government as a preventive measure to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

The Netherlands has reported more than 11,000 cases of Covid-19 with the death toll surpassing 800.

Countries across Europe have resorted to a complete shutdown as countries such as Italy and Spain have been majorly hit by the pandemic.

Italy had reported over 1,00,000 confirmed cases of the virus while Spain has over 87,000 confirmed cases.