What gadgets do you use?

iPad, iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3

Which is the latest gadget you picked up?

iPad mini

Which brand do you like and why?

Apple, it very versatile and easy to use, I can do almost anything with an Apple device. Apple has always been one step ahead of the competition.

What is your dream machine?

Ferrari Spider convertible

What do you not like about technology?

Technology is changing too fast. As soon as you get accustomed to a gadget a new one comes to the market that is faster and better. It's hard to keep up with it. The cycle of change has shortened considerably. Today unlike just 10 - 15 years ago with technology, work and personal life has become commingled. There is no distinction as to when one stops and the other begins. You could be having dinner with your family and a message comes on your phone from a client who needs an immediate response. Even if you don't respond, the message has been received and is in your mind wondering what does the client wants. The tone of dinner communication with the family changes immediately because in the back of your mind you are wondering what the client wants at this time of night. Clients have access to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and expect quick responses. No more excuses saying that you did not get the message and was not able to respond until next business day. Everything today is real time and instantaneous. Delayed responses means lost business and are not tolerated or accepted. Today one key marketing pitch that all companies use is that they provide real time, 24/7 service.

Which apps are you addicted to?

GPS, I travel a lot and use Global Positioning System often to get around. Also Siri voice recognition application. With GPS and SIRI applications I can do anything, find anything, go anywhere, communicate anywhere, send anything with the sound of my voice.

One anecdote relating to tech

Today with Facebook, Text messaging and Twitter no one is communicating with each other by actually speaking with each other. The art of conversation is fast disappearing and becoming a thing of the past. Today family members communicate with each other by texting or through Facebook, kids send text to their parents saying hello or I love you or I miss you or I need money. Even the words have shortened to actual texting letters. I have actually seen a husband and wife having dinner in a restaurant and rather than speaking to each other they are texting each other. We are forgetting fast how to have a normal conversation with each other.

What’s the biggest tech disaster according to you?

Space Shuttle Challenger was one of the most unfortunate tech disaster of our time.

One instance where technology solved your problem.

One technology that has been very beneficial to my company and myself has been WebEx and Video Conferencing technology. That has made communication with certain clients and various business locations so efficient. Where in the past you had to travel to see all clients or visit all your offices today you can be more selective and reduce travel time and do your normal business over WebEx or Video Conferencing. This can be done anytime day or night rather than a specific time when you did travel. This has solved one of the biggest problems companies have in communicating with all clients without having to visit them in person.