Vulture species under threat from veterinary drug diclofenac

V.Rishi Kumar Updated - April 12, 2014 at 04:12 PM.

Research finds ban on the painkiller has slowed down the decline in numbers

White-backed Vulture

The drastic decline in the population of three Gyps species of vultures – White-backed, Long-billed and Slender -billed, in South Asia over the past decade, due to the veterinary painkiller diclofenac, has been an environmental disaster.

Research conducted over the years is revealing that diclofenac could have also possibly caused decline in the number of other vulture species such as Red-headed and Egyptian Vulture.

However, a positive trend observed is that all vulture species previously affected, seem to be benefiting after the ban on veterinary diclofenac in 2006, according to a statement from BNHS-India.

In a recent paper published in the Cambridge Journal–Bird Conservation International, researchers from BNHS-India and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) have stated that just like the three Gyps species, even Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus and Red-headed Vulture Sarcogyps calvus had declined.

Both species are likely to have showed similar physiological intolerance and exposure risk to diclofenac through a common ancestry and foraging niche with Gyps vultures.

Chris Bowden, International Species Recovery Officer and SAVE Programme Manager, said, “This study clearly shows that not just the Gyps species, but also other vulture species, have been affected by drugs such as diclofenac to varying extents. Future conservation efforts should cover all such species that have been affected, through a broader framework of research and advocacy.”

After the ban on veterinary diclofenac by the Indian Government, the prevalence and concentration of diclofenac in domesticated ungulate carcasses has decreased and the population declines of Gyps vultures have slowed down or even reversed in a few cases.

The observations in the later years of the study reveal that the decline in Red-Headed and Egyptian Vultures also seem to have slowed down after the ban. Their numbers have even possibly increased in some areas.

Asad Rahmani, Director, BNHS, said, “The partial recovery of vulture numbers after the ban shows that strong research and advocacy go a long way in effective conservation. Further research should also focus on the current status of Red-headed and Egyptian vultures.”

Published on April 12, 2014 10:42