Global engineering major Rolls-Royce is looking to provide mentoring and technical support to Indian companies specialising in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT).

The company is seeking partners, large and small, to enable them grow sustainably and also help keep its place in foremost technologies.

“We are operating in a world that is changing quickly and we need to have good partners,” Kishore Jayaraman, President — India & South Asia, Rolls-Royce, told BusinessLine .

“The primary thing for us is the passion the company has for being at the forefront of technology,” he said. Rolls-Royce already partners with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Microsoft, two globally recognised digital service providers. “We have some 15 companies here in India that we partner with, and since partnerships are crucial in today’s digital arena and a data-driven economy, we need to collaborate with some more like-minded tech and digitally-driven companies,” said Jayaraman.

With Microsoft, the company is harnessing digital technology to transform the aerospace industry, and is seeking solutions for aerospace engineering, cloud computing, advanced analytics and IoT to tackle engine-related operations and services.

Using smart data analysis and engineering expertise, “the company hopes to help airlines reduce fuel usage, fly routes more efficiently, and help service engines more quickly”.

A digital revolution is also set to drive Rolls-Royce’s IntelligentEngine vision, which was launched last month. The IntelligentEngine initiative builds on Rolls-Royce’s links with tech companies, notably TCS and Microsoft.

Leveraging data analytics, AI and machine learning techniques, Rolls-Royce is looking for partners who can help unlock engine design and ensure manufacturing and operational efficiencies.

On smaller players stealing a march over the big companies in technology, Jayaraman said working with them helps the company grow. “When we look at companies, we look for the vision. We look for that hunger to grow in a particular segment. What that does is it creates a driving force, supplies the energy for us to move forward,” he said.