TV viewership surged year-to-date in FY24  by an additional 53 minutes per week compared to a year ago. Quoting data from the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India, the Indian Broadcasting & Digital Foundation (IBDF) on Tuesday said the rise in viewership signals “heightened engagement and a reinforced connection with the medium”.

BARC data shows that TV consumption grew 5.1 per cent (YTD) in FY24, including 7.1 per cent growth among those aged 15-21 and 7.2 per cent growth in the 22-30 age group. 

“Younger audiences in the age group of 15-30 years have, in fact, seen a higher growth in TV viewership compared to the overall average, with growth in viewership being seen across all economic strata and markets,” IBDF added. 

“A standout trend is the significant contribution of Indian women to television’s growth, with an impressive 59 per cent... This highlights their pivotal role as key influencers and consumers shaping television viewership trends,” IBDF noted. 

This growth extends to the majority of language markets, accounting for 87 per cent of the Indian TV viewing population.

K Madhavan, President of IBDF, said, “The impressive rise in television viewership underscores India as one of the few international markets witnessing consistent television growth, in spite of digital media’s rapid expansion. In today’s ‘AND’ world, where digital media excels in precise targeting and immediate rewards, television maintains its distinct advantage in the realm of long-term brand building. Television creates compelling stories that deeply connect with its audience, building trust and leaving an indelible mark across age groups.”

TV penetration is currently pegged at 70 per cent, making it the largest reach medium. There has also been a 7 per cent increase in pay household viewership, with 5.8 million households transitioning from free-to-air (FTA) to pay, which indicated the pull of quality programming, IBDF stated. 

“Television viewership growth transcends economic strata and town classes, demonstrating its inclusive nature. This growth is observed across NCCS A, B, C, D,E, and various town categories, including metros, large cities, smaller towns, and rural areas,” the statement added.