Former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday said farmers in Haryana are supporting the Bharat bandh call because there is a widespread understanding that the central farm laws neither expand agri-markets into rural areas nor do they protect farmers’ interests by regulating prices.

Responding to the BJP’s charge that the Congress has a “duplicitous” stance on the three farm laws because it supported precisely these laws when they were in power, Hooda said the reforms brought about by the Congress were in consultation with the farmers and have led to a spurt in growth and prosperity in Haryana in his tenure as Chief Minister.

Addressing a press conference at the All India Congress Committee (AICC), Hooda claimed that the BJP has lost its majority in the State Assembly because seven out of ten legislators of the Janta Jannayak Party (JJP), on whose support the Government had assumed power, have joined the farmers’ protest. Hooda reiterated his demand for a special session of the Haryana Assembly where the Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar should face a no-confidence motion.

Hooda said Haryana is united with the Punjab farmers in their struggle against the central farm laws and underlined that the Congress, as well as other political parties, are only supporting the ongoing agitation but the leadership is strictly with the farmers. He said the BJP ministers are selectively quoting reforms brought about by the Congress, conveniently neglecting the specific measures that have helped the farmers.

“If the BJP is serious about reforms in the farm sector, they should bring a fourth law saying that anyone buying agriculture produce below the MSP will be punished. I had notified Rule 6 on contract farming Haryana which is still applicable in the entire State and the farmers have benefitted. I held wide consultations, involved the panchayats and the farmers. This rule protected the farmers in that the agreed rate of contract rate is not less than MSP of the proceeding year. In crops where there is no MSP or agreed rate, the amount of security is calculated at the rate of 15 per cent of the prevailing market rate of agreement,” said Hooda, while quoting the Rule prevailing in Haryana on contract farming.

He said Haryana has developed agro-malls and horticulture booths to promote marketing at the farmers’ doorstep. “Understanding that the farmer does not have holding or storage capacity, the markets need to be extended nearest to where he grows. My village is a population of 10,000 but there is a purchasing centre of APMC. There is a purchasing centre every 10 kilometre. They say Punjab and Haryana farmers corner all the MSPs but the fact is that the MSP is only a notion unless there are a procurement structure and process. Bihar, for instance, has no extension of APMC markets which is why farmers cannot avail of MSPs,” he said.