While the government has introduced policies, schemes and funds that either focus on women empowerment, a lot more awareness needs to be created, opine industry watchers.

According to Geetha Kannan, Managing Director, Anita Borg Institute (ABI) India, more planning and budgets need to be allocated in creating awareness of these initiatives, program management of their progress and on efforts to get these schemes and programs reach the right target group, ensuring more women are able to benefit from them. Anita Borg Institute connects, inspires, and guides women working in the sphere of technology.

The Government needs a system that allows effective monitoring of the allocated funds with definite transparency and accountability at all levels. Education is another important area of focus to empower women, she added.

Further, the Government should look at creating specific platforms for recognizing women leaders from various industries and build more role models for young girls to draw inspiration from, she said.