The National Security Agency’s Web site went down for several hours, but the US spy service known for hacking into computer networks blamed the outage on a technical mistake.

The Website,, went down yesterday in the afternoon, setting off speculation on Twitter that the site may have suffered a denial of service attack by hackers.

But an NSA spokesperson denied the claims, saying they were “not true.”

“ was not accessible for several hours tonight because of an internal error that occurred during a scheduled update. The issue will be resolved this evening,” the spokesperson added.

“Claims that the outage was caused by a distributed denial of service attack are not true.”

The Web site was operational again around 10:30 pm (local time).

The hacker group Anonymous joked about the incident in a tweet, without saying if it had played any role. “Aw don’t panic about being down. They have a back-up copy of the Internet,” it said.

The loosely organised, international hacker collective has frequently clashed with US authorities over file-sharing as well as allowing banks to handle donations to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

The NSA has been at the centre of a furore over its vast electronic surveillance operations, revealed in a series of leaks from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, who has obtained asylum in Russia.