At least 30 people were killed and hundreds injured across Egypt during violent clashes between the supporters and opponents of deposed President Mohammed Morsi, even as an Islamist coalition-led by Muslim Brotherhood today vowed more protests in his support across the country.

The clashes broke out yesterday after tens of thousands of angry supporters of 61-year-old Morsi, chanting slogans like “down with military rule”, took to the streets after Friday prayers demanding his reinstatement.

In the capital, the protesters holding images of Morsi marched towards the Republican Guards Club, where Morsi is believed to have been put “under guard” since Wednesday night.

Despite warning from soldiers, the crowd tried to storm the Guards headquarters, prompting the soldiers to open fire — first into the air, then at the demonstrators, killing four demonstrators and wounding dozens, local media reported.

In running street battles in Cairo, several more people were dead, including two at iconic Tahrir Square, and scores of others injured, reports said.

The worst-hit was the coastal city of Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt, where street fighting and clashes left 12 people dead, mostly from gunshot wounds.

Meanwhile, Brotherhood-led National Alliance in Support of Electoral Legitimacy today vowed more protests in support of the deposed president.

“The masses will continue their civilised protests and peaceful sit-ins in Cairo until the military coup is reversed and the legitimate president is restored,” it said.

Morsi was toppled by the powerful military on Wednesday and since has been kept under detention along with some senior aides of his Muslim Brotherhood party.

Yesterday’s clashes raged across Egypt after Brotherhood supreme leader Mohammed Badie told his followers not to give up street action until the reinstatement of Morsi.

“We are his soldiers we defend him with our lives,” Badie told supporters at a Cairo mosque in his first appearance since the overthrow of the Morsi government.

In the North Sinai town of El Arish, five police officers were killed. It was, however, not clear whether the attacks were linked to pro-Morsi protests.