At least four policemen have been killed and 10 others injured in a bomb blast in a train in Egypt, a media report said today.

The death toll rose to four after two people died of injuries.

The bomb went off yesterday inside the last bogey of a Cairo-bound train at Menouf station, a city in the Nile Delta, the Egyptian TV reported.

It was planted by unknown terrorists, it said.

The explosion took place after a policeman detected a suspected item in the bogey. He soon called his fellow security personnel who formed a cordon and evacuated the passengers from the train.

The bomb exploded immediately killing him and one of his colleagues and injuring the rest, Menoufeya Governor Ahmed Sherin Fawzy was quoted by the Egyptian TV as saying.

Bomb disposal team and security forces rushed to the spot for investigations.

Official statement about the number of deaths was awaited.

In a separate incident, unknown militants had attacked a police checkpoint in Al-Alamen road in North Coast area yesterday injuring three conscripts.