A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck Hunchun city in north-east China’s Jilin Province in the early hours today.

No casualties or damage was reported so far, local officials said.

The quake hit the city at 4.17 a.m. local time with its epicentre at a depth of 539 km, the China Earthquake Networks Centre said.

Most people in the city slept through the quake, state-run Xinhua news agency said.

An official from the earthquake bureau in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture said the quake was deep-focussed and would not be felt or cause damage.

Huichun is on the only deep-focus earthquake belt on China’s mainland. Quakes in this region generally have a focus depth of more than 500 km. Only earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 km are considered “shallow”, officials said.