At least 85 persons have been killed and 139 gone missing in the last three days in floods and landslides triggered by incessant rainfall in various districts across Nepal.

As many as 73 people have lost their lives in the mid-western region, while 131 are still missing. The number of missing might go up, officials said.

Floods have completely damaged more than 7,000 households in the mid-western region. More than 12,000 households have been inundated in Bardiya alone. The swollen Karnali River has swept away three suspension bridges, Himalayan Times reported.

Surkhet district has been hit the worst. About 26 people have been killed and 97 had gone missing in the district, according to the regional police office at Surkhet.

Floods have killed 17 persons in Bardiya and 15 went missing. Likewise, 14 lost their lives in Dang and three went missing. In Banke district, floods have killed four and five have gone missing, Deputy Superintendent of Police Nareshman Shrestha said.

India has announced a relief assistance of NRs 48 million for the victims of floods and landslide in different parts of Nepal. India has also arranged three helicopters and one airplane on standby at the border for disaster relief operation on call by government of Nepal.