Australia has been appointed to chair the UN Security Council committee which determines and monitors the international sanctions regimes against Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Iran.

“The role, which comes after Australia won a seat on the Security Council last year, is a reflection of Australia’s diplomatic standing on the world stage,” Foreign Minister Bob Carr was quoted as saying by the ABC news.

Australia will also be vice-chair for the sanctions committee on Sudan, Ivory Coast and Lebanon.

“This is a vote of confidence in Australia,” Carr said.

“It shows that the Security Council, including particularly its five permanent members, have got a fair bit of confidence in Australia’s diplomatic pull, and in particular in the area of anti-terrorism,” he said.

“Our role on the committee will be to determine which individuals or entities are subject to Al-Qaeda or Taliban sanctions,” he added.

Carr said Australia’s appointment to United Nations sanctions committee shows that other UN members take Australia seriously. The appointment will last for 12 months.