Indian American Republican heavyweight Bobby Jindal has thrown his support behind Mitt Romney and his vice-presidential pick Paul Ryan, contending that their team represents “the preservation of the American dream’’.

On a Republican presidential campaign trail in Virginia, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal batted for the Romney-Paul team.

“I think what Romney and Ryan represent is the preservation of the American dream,” Jindal told a local radio station in an interview.

Jindal himself a vice-presidential contender in the past, said Congressman Ryan, as the running mate of Romney, was a great choice.

“I think that the selection of Congressman Ryan was a great choice. I think he will appeal to voters across all age groups, demographic groups,” he said.

Jindal praised Romney’s record as Massachusetts Governor.

“In Massachusetts, unemployment was below the national average. Per capital income growth was above the national average. Secondly, the contrast. Two very different visions for America, what’s at stake in this election,” he argued.

On Thursday, Jindal and Ryan helped raise $500,000 in a Republican fundraiser.