China and Switzerland today signed a free trade agreement (FTA) — Beijing’s first in continental Europe — in a deal that comes against a backdrop of trade tensions between the Asian giant and the European Union (EU).

Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng and Swiss Economy Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann signed the accord in a ceremony at the Commerce Ministry here in the presence of officials and reporters.

Afterwards, they clinked glasses of champagne in celebration of the agreement, which aims to increase the $26.3 billion in bilateral trade they recorded in 2012.

China had in April signed its first FTA with a European country — non-EU member Iceland — but Saturday’s deal marks the first with an economy in mainland Europe.

Switzerland is ranked as the world’s 19th largest economy in 2012, according to the World Bank. China is the world’s second-biggest.

“This free trade agreement has an important significance for the relationship between the two countries,” Schneider-Ammann said.

He noted that China is the world’s single biggest developing market with potential for a growing middle-class.

Fiercely independent Switzerland is not a member of the EU and even waited decades to join the United Nations. Nonetheless, it is an economic heavyweight known for high-value luxury goods such as its world famous watches and as a financial centre.

Switzerland mainly sells watches, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, as well as machinery to China, which ships mostly textiles and machinery back to Switzerland. Unlike most western countries, Switzerland enjoyed a huge trade surplus with China to the tune of $22.8 billion last year.

Switzerland and China had signed a preliminary FTA agreement in May during a visit to the landlocked European nation by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Schneider-Ammann said the deal is also important for hedging risks.

“We get a chance to spread out the risk of the Swiss economy a little bit over the borders of our European neighbourhood,” he said. “It has a great importance.”

The EU economy has experienced serious turmoil over the past several years in the wake of the global financial crisis and due to sovereign debt instability that engulfed Greece and other member states, including Spain, Italy and Portugal.