China will firmly safeguard sovereignty, security and its development interests but at the same time it will uphold the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, the new Chinese Foreign Minster, Wang Yi said today.

China will assume its due responsibility and make un-remitted efforts to build a harmonious world of sustained peace and common prosperity, Wang who succeeded Yang Jiechi said while assuming his responsibilities.

In a message posted at the official web site of the Foreign Ministry, the new Foreign Minister said China will continue to pursue the mutually beneficial strategy of opening up to the outside world and advance friendly cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence.

China will firmly safeguard sovereignty, security and development interests, he said without directly referring to the present tensions between China and Japan over the disputed islands or differences between Beijing and various South East Asian countries over South China Sea.

At the same time China will hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, he said.

“China is ready to become a good friend and partner of all other countries in the world,” Wang, a former Ambassador to Japan as said in the message. He also worked as Director General of Asia in the Foreign Ministry.

In message Wang said people to frequently browse the Foreign Ministry’s website as to know about China and its bright future.

“China is an important member of the international community. We need to learn more about the world, while the world needs to learn more about China,” he said.