As part of her efforts to make Americans stay healthier, US First Lady Michelle Obama has launched a nationwide campaign, asking people to ‘Drink Up’.

“Since we started the Let’s Move! initiative, I’ve been looking for as many ways as possible to help families and kids lead healthier lives.

“I’ve come to realise that if we were going to take just one step to make ourselves and our families healthier, probably the single best thing we could do is to simply drink more water,” Michelle Obama said.

Launching the ‘Drink Up’ campaign at Watertown in Wisconsin, Michelle said: “Drink just one more glass of water a day and you can make a real difference for your health, for your energy, and the way that you feel. And there’s plenty of scientific evidence to back this up.’’

“And it can even help reduce headaches and fatigue, all while cleansing and refreshing our bodies. It’s a good stuff,” she said making a strong case for drinking water.

“The truth is we all have a choice about what we drink. And when we choose water, we’re choosing to be at our very best. And we don’t even need science to tell us that that’s a good idea. Most of us already know this from our own experience,” she said.

Arguing that water is truly the original energy drink and is almost universally available, she said: “That’s it. It doesn’t matter where you get it from — the tap, a water bottle, a water fountain — just drink one more glass of water a day.

“And if we all do this — if we all drink up — we’ll all feel better and we’ll have more energy; we will have more focused students; we will have more productive workplaces; we will have more vibrant neighbourhoods and a healthier country. In the end, that’s what it’s all about,” Michelle Obama said.

“That’s it — it’s really that simple. Drink just one more glass of water a day and you can make a real difference for your health, your energy, and the way you feel. So Drink Up and see for yourself.’’