Murdoch savages Biden via Twitter

PTI Updated - November 17, 2017 at 04:33 PM.

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch took to Twitter today to savage the Obama-Biden campaign, appearing to throw his full support behind Mitt Romney little more than three weeks from election day.

The 81-year-old News Corporation boss accused Vice-President Joe Biden of lying about the administration’s relationship with Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, and over the deadly attack on the US consulate in Libya.

“Nightmare for Israel if Obama wins. Biden outright lied about personal relations with Bibi. Susan Rice for State real nightmare,” Murdoch wrote on the microblogging service.

Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, has been mentioned as a possible successor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said she will leave her post after the upcoming election.

In the second of four tweets reeled off within 18 minutes, Murdoch lambasted President Barack Obama and his aides for their handling of the aftermath of the Benghazi consulate attack that killed four Americans including ambassador Chris Stevens.

“White House still lying about Benghazi. HAD to know truth, or is whole admin a shambles? Biden threw CIA under bus, now WH throws State!” he wrote.

Having earlier posted that he thought the 2012 race would come down to Ohio, one of 10 key swing-states, Murdoch noted the “huge spending by both sides,” during the campaign, adding: “Obama tv buying operation infinitely smarter.”

Murdoch, whose interests include Fox News and The Wall Street Journal, has previously criticised the Romney campaign but his latest tweets make it clear that he wants Obama ousted from the White House.

“Next debate Romney needs to ignore personal attacks and pivot to plans for millions of jobs and real opportunity for all. Only that matters,” he advised the Republican candidate.

Murdoch’s criticism of Biden follows the vice president’s remarks during a debate Wednesday, when the Democrat said Obama’s relationship with Israel was strong.

Published on October 14, 2012 07:45