US President Barack Obama signed into law a legislation that extends life time protection to all former American presidents, and their family members including children till the age of 16.

The ‘Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012,’ restores life time Secret Service protection of former presidents who did not serve as President prior to January 1, 1997, and their spouses.

It provides for protection of all children of former Presidents until they become 16 years of age; the White House said.

The bill reverses a previous law that limited Secret Service protection for former presidents and their families to 10 years if they served after 1997.

Congressman Trey Gowdy, the author of the legislation, said so far legislation only authorised to receive Secret Service protection for 10 years after leaving office.

The increased mobility and youth of still-living former Presidents, coupled with the national security threat posed to post 9/11 leaders who were instrumental in the war on terror, necessitates protection for life, as has been the case since the 1960’s, he said.

Under the law, Obama himself, former president George W Bush and future former presidents will receive Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

The bill was cleared by the US Congress in December 2012.