A powerful blast had yesterday rocked the military justice building in Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported, as state television spoke of a terrorist attack.

The Observatory said the blast in the western Mazzeh district of the capital occurred in front of the military justice building which is near the Ministry of Higher Education.

State television said “a bomb exploded near the Ministry of Higher Education” and that two people were wounded in the “terrorist attack’’.

The Syrian capital has been rocked by a string of bomb blasts, including suicide bombings, mostly targeting government buildings, since the March 2011 outbreak of an anti-regime revolt.

In the most spectacular attack, four top security officials, including a brother-in-law of President Bashar al-Assad, were killed in a July 18 bombing of the National Security headquarters claimed by the rebel Free Syrian Army.

On September 26, twin bombings targeted the heavily guarded armed forces headquarters, in attacks claimed by jihadist groups.