The United States Senate has confirmed the nomination of Samantha Power as the next US ambassador to the United Nations.

“As one of our country’s leading foreign policy thinkers, Samantha knows that our nation’s interests are advanced with strong and principled American leadership,” US President Barack Obama yesterday said after the Senate confirmed his nomination by 87-10 votes, including around 30 votes from the opposition Republicans.

“As a long-time champion of human rights and dignity, she will be a fierce advocate for universal rights, fundamental freedoms and US national interests,” Obama said.

Power replaces Susan Rice who is now the National Security Adviser.

Senator John McCain, while exuding confidence in Power, said she believes that America is an exceptional nation with an indispensable role to play in the world.

“I trust that she can provide a strong voice on behalf of America’s interests and democratic values,” McCain said in a statement.

“Having a strong voice in the United Nations is imperative and Power possesses the type of character, type of strong background, is a person of intellect and has the right kind of way to communicate and to represent us at the United Nations,” Senator Saxby Chambliss said.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) welcomed the confirmation by the Senate of Power.

“Obama has wisely chosen an emissary who deeply understands the UN system and its human rights mechanisms and is committed to fight the injustice of their abuse to target Israel’s legitimacy,” ADL national director Abraham H. Foxman said.

Meanwhile, ahead of the vote, Senator Marco Rubio opposed Power’s nomination.

“I am concerned that she is being appointed by a President whose foreign policy is fast becoming an utter and absolute failure,” Rubio said.

“From crises in the Middle East, to strategic uncertainty in Asia, to a country that we were told was a partner now harbouring a fugitive and a traitor who has done great damage to US national security, the world is more dangerous and uncertain than it was when this President took office,” he said.

“It is increasingly apparent that our foes are more willing than ever to challenge us. Even more troubling is that those who seek to emulate us, who desire the freedom that we all as Americans enjoy, are often left to fend for themselves, with little American support,” Rubio said.