The US has announced a bounty of $ 5 million each for the arrest of two Americans, Omar Shafik Hammami and Jehad Serwan Mostafa, who are members of the Somalia-based terrorist organisation Al-Shebab.

The awards have been announced yesterday under the Rewards for Justice Program of the State Department.

Both are currently believed to be in Somalia.

Born on May 6, 1984, Omar Hammami is a US citizen and a former resident of Daphne, Alabama. In 2006, he moved to Somalia where he joined and received training from Islamist militants.

Hammami has served as a propagandist for Al-Shebab, helping to recruit English-speaking youth through his writings, rap songs, and video statements.

He also has served as a military commander, leading foreign fighters under Jehad Serwan Mostafa.

In September 2009, Hammami was indicted in the Southern District of Alabama on charges of providing support to terrorists, conspiring to provide material support to a State Department-designated foreign terrorist organisation (Al-Shebab).

On July 29, 2011, the US Department of the Treasury placed Hammami on the US Government’s Specially Designated Nationals.

In November 2012, the FBI added him to its Most Wanted Terrorists list.

Jehad Mostafa is also a US citizen and former resident of San Diego, California. He departed for Somalia in 2005 and has served as a media expert and leader of foreign fighters for Al-Shebab.

He was indicted on October 9, 2009 in the Southern District of California on charges of conspiring to provide material support to it. Mostafa is also on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list.